Saturday 4 July 2009


Hi everyone who visit my blog
I hope all are very well

Well, I have that to say something very important, this is my last "post" that will do in the blog
because the academic semester is finishing (that is increíble … I’m very happy, I need vacation =D)
I going to talk about my experience in the blog. For me, this experience was very entertaining, I liked this kind of work because I think that complement the technology with learning is a very good way of to learn.

To be able to do new things is very exciting and interesting. I never had a blog neither I had knowledge of how to use it but with the time and the experience became easier and faster.
I personally think that the blog helped me to learn a bit more, because I don’t have the vocabulario necessary for to write extensive texts. Now I hope I can write better
I enjoy this activity but clearly there were some “post” more fun than others also
I enjoyed reading the blogs of my classmate because I could know their ideas and thoughts about a particular topic.

I have to admit that sometimes I didn’t have the willingness for to work but I knew that to improve my level of English was important to do.
Really was a great challenge for me this activity but I liked it! =D

I hope that this experience has been good for all.!

Goodbye classmates and Miss Beatriz!

Thursday 25 June 2009

My ideal job ...

Hi! Everybody again. I hope all are very well
This post is maybe one of the last =(

Today, I’m going to talk about my ideal job in the future.
Well, I think that the public management is a career very interesting but I don’t like much so my ideal job isn’t only about this career. I imagine myself in the future with two degree as public manager and lawyer. My ideal job would have activities about both careers for example my job should to be very exciting and gratifying for me. To have communication with other people all the time, to have field trips, to have the powers for to listen the needs of the people for help them and to fight against the social injustice.

I think that the qualities and skill I would need to do this job type are very important for a good performance of work. To have skills of: leadership, empathy with the people, creative mind for to do things by the citizens of my country, a high self-esteem and passion by the job.

I hope can to achieve this objective in my life and I haven’t difficulties because really I want to do many things by my country.


Thursday 18 June 2009

the Poliiwis's Blog

Hi everybody, who visit my blog =D
Today I’m going to talk about something different because I will have to write a critique on a classmate's blog. My choice is the Paulina’s blog, the reason is because she is one of my best friends in the university and I know that she doesn’t disturb. As well she is very tolerant the criticize and comment.

My choice of the particular post in the Paulina’s blog is when she spoke about her best friend. The true that I’m angry because she doesn’t spoke about her beautiful and funny friends of university … is very sad. (Paulina is a joke jajaja)

Well this post is very emotional because it shows the huge love that Paulina has by her cousin. It is beautiful. I feel much envy because none of my cousins is a great friend. Polita has good luck!

The look of this blog I don’t like, in especial by the colors. I feel that these don’t represent the “Divine spirit”. The pink color is the better for the blog of a divine girl.
I would advise it!


Thursday 11 June 2009

it is time to change the education ...

Hi everybody again! I hope all are very well.

I’m going to talk about a topic very interesting and important too.
This topic is presented by Ken Robinson who speaks about the creativity.
Unfortunately the education system in the world has interest only in classic subject as for example: mathematics, sciences, language among others
and not allowed that other activities develop of same way.

I think that the school should to try of change your vision their artistic skills. The dance, the painting, the photography also must be fomented.
It is very necessary allow the development of the innovation and the creativity in the world education.
Our mistake is sort the subjets,to believe that some are more important than others.
Many persons feel oppressed by the sistema is necessary to change soon.
The children must liberate his energy and body to the different activities.
The Intelligence haven’t limits we must allow that the children could develop it.
The world needs from persons with different skills.

The education should be open to creativity now!

Thursday 4 June 2009

Binominal System

Hi everybody, who visit my blog.

Today, I’m going to talk about that I want to change in the Chilean politic.

Well, the true I think that our country needs quickly a change in the binominal system, the which is a mechanism of election in where is present a list of candidates with only two people in the charge by party. The list most voted and that gets the double of the votes in relation with the competitor list, choose immediately their two candidates. However, if unable to get votes than double the second list most voted, get a charge each one.

Personally I think the Binominal System isn’t the best form of choice, because is undemocratic as vote for list and coalition, no by people.
Clearly this system it hasn’t been repeal because to the big parties this is convenient. This must change now!. A change in this system enable a real democracy, fair for the citizen and fair for our country.
We deserve something better now!

Friday 29 May 2009

My Friends !

Hello everyone !
uff! so long! I hope all are very well.

The truth to think in somebody in particular (as my best friend) is really difficult, because in my life there are many important people so I don't want to say a single name.
In this photo are some of my best friends, as are: my sister, my friends from church, school, the university and of my neighborhood.

With some of these people have a friendship of many years, for example: my school friends are the oldest, we have a friendship of more than 10 years. Clearly my university friends are the most recent, but that doesn't make them less important.

I think it is very important to have things in common with friends, in my case we share the concept and ideal of friendship, which is based on the respect and confidence.
I like to share with them because I can do many different things, for example talk about life and go by some fun too.

Despite the problems that may occur I am definitely very happy to have these people as my friends and to share great moments together.

Thanks to all my friends for helping me to have a wonderful life. =D

Tuesday 12 May 2009

My favourite web sites are ...

Hi , everybody egain, I hope are very well

Today I’m going to talk about my favourite web site.

Well, to tell the truth I haven’t a favourite web site, however there are several web site that I usually visit. For example: Facebook ,You tube and Google, these web sites are maybe the most often visit in the day
I think these web sites are very fun and interesting because I allow to have contact with my family and friends; to chat with them; to see their photos; to do test about different things; to see videos about my fovourite bands or singer; to play sereval games as Pet society, Geo challenger and Bowling buddies; to read about topical, to see my horoscope; to look for information for my jobs, to laugh with the videos, for example: The Chuña Video. This is very comic!.
Here to be the link for you see:

I discovery these web sites for my friends, who to visit too because these are very know.


Saturday 9 May 2009

The song of my dreams

Hi! I hope again all are very well.

I am going to talk about my favourite song of all times.

Really is very dificult to choose a only song, because for me there are many excellent songs where his music and lyrics are incredible.
I finally decided me by a fascinating song of the great band of hard rock of USA "Guns N’ Roses", the song is "Don't cry" .

This is part of the album called “Use Your Illusion”. This album represents a change in the sound of banda, showing for first time elements of blues, country and classical music. This was a great album, I love it!
“Don’t Cry” is a song that for me reflect a true feeling. I always when I listen this song, I feel a great nostalgia because the lyric is definitely very sad.
I remember the first time I heard this song was when I was a kid, because my dad liked the song too.

Here is the lyrics of this classic rock:


Talk to me softly

There's something in your eyes

Don't hang your head in sorrow

And please don't cry

I know how you feel inside I've

I've been there before

Something's changin' inside you

And don't you know

Don't you cry tonight

I still love you baby

Don't you cry tonight

Don't you cry tonight

There's a heaven above you baby

And don't you cry tonight

Give me a whisper

And give me a sigh

Give me a kiss before you tell me goodbye

Don't you take it so hard now

And please don't take it so bad

I'll still be thinkin' of you

And the times we

And don't you cry tonight

Don't you cry tonight

Don't you cry tonight

There's a heaven above you baby

And don't you cry tonight

And please remember that I never lied

And please remember how I felt inside now honey

You gotta make it your own way

But you'll be alright now sugar

You'll feel better tomorrow

Come the morning light now baby

And don't you cry tonight

An don't you cry tonight

An don't you cry tonight

There's a heaven above you baby

And don't you cry

Don't you ever cry

Don't you cry tonight

Baby maybe someday

Don't you cry

Don't you ever cry

Don't you cry


Thursday 30 April 2009

My Mobile Phone ...

Hi everybody again! I hope all are very well !

today, I'm going to talk about my favourite object of technology... The mobile phone =D

The reason of my choice is because the mobile phone I permit to be connect with the world and the people of my family and friends all the possible time.

I use this object since many time, 7 years approximately. I remember my first mobile phone was a gift by my birthday.

I use the mobile phone all the day. For example: I call my friends of university for work matters or only fun, but the to use more frequent is for to call my parent for to inform about a party or something like that.

Nowadays I haven't mobile phone, because to stole me in a party of the university... it was horrible. I had it only 4 days ... it was new!

Definitely my life without my mobile phone not is the same =(.

Thursday 23 April 2009

My career

Hello to all who visit my blog again =D

Today I going to speak about my career,
well I hope to be very honest with this, in a moment I felt enough bad because the career of public managment I didn't convence but now I can say that I feel calm and happy =D

I am in this career now, because I want to do much things by my country and the poor... is my aspiration.
I hope to contribute to my society I generate employments , politics public and innovative proyects.
I think I will need in the future much tools for to do my job in excellent form, for example:
creative mind, leadership, control capacity, empathy with the people, humility and perseverance in all.

My favourite subject in this semester is administrative theory because I like this topic , I know that this must be of great help for me and my development professional.

Kisses !

Saturday 18 April 2009

My Photo !

Hello to all who visit my blog , I hope all are well =D

Well this photo was taken in “Locos por el deporte” pub.
I remember that day there was a football match between Colo-Colo and Cobreloa. It was taken in 2008 (I don’t remember the exact date ). I went with my university friends.

In this photo are my best friends. On the left side are Maripa! and Pola! then I am (in the center of the photo) and finally on the right side are Romi!, Konsu! and Rocio! (please don’t see objects that are on the table, it's just your imaginación jajaja)
That day we supported the team Cobreloa. We were the only!.
I'm sure we all wanted to kill us =D .

I like this photo because it shows the beautiful friendships between us during this time.
I love so much friends!
I hope that we continue together for a long time, enjoying life and our youth. Because we are "the divines" jajajaja

P.d : Titi! Friend! you know you belong here too, I love you so much too and thanks for your unconditional support.

A part of our song:

Nobody passes of this corner
here they send the divine ones
because we are gasoline
gasoline really (8) jajajajajajaja

Kisses !

Thursday 16 April 2009

A little of me!


I’m Karen Vega, I’m twenty years old. These days I’m in second year of Public Management in the University of Chile. I’ve liked this major, because I would make a lot of changes in my country.

I have a lot of prospects and challanges. I would like improve my english level, not just writting also my oral skill, because english is a fundamental tool for the development of my major.